Vietnamese Hand Rolls
A couple of weeks ago I was going through my freezer inventory (I finally wrote up a list and keep a clipboard on the chest freezer!) and picked out a whole rockfish to thaw. I pulled out my neighbor, Andrea Nguyen's, Into the Vietnamese Kitchen and found her recipe for ...

Controversial Photography
I was mentioned in Forbes Magazine today! I woke up this morning to a Twitter notice on my phone from the author, Cecilia Rodriguez, linking me to "Food Porn: Are You Ready To Take A Stand?". I was pleasantly surprised, I haven't been mentioned in major media in years. When ...

Braised Short Ribs
This is less of a recipe than a link to another recipe. I got short ribs from my monthly box of awesome from El Salchichero. It was really only enough for two and that worked out since hubby was away and I was just cooking for my son and I ...

Tuna Two Ways and Lamb Just the One
I woke up Saturday morning knowing I was making dinner for 10 people that night and not knowing what the menu was going to be. It was another gathering of our 1999 crew. I needed to pick up a my monthly box from El Salchichero and decided I would just ...

Party Like It’s 1999
In 1999 we lived in an amazing 1890s Victorian on the West Side of Santa Cruz. It was 3 stories, full of histories, a ghost and lots of good food. It is where FoodPorn.com was born. We lived with another couple and their daughter (aged 3 when we moved in) ...

Soup Night XLI
It's fall! It's butternut squash season! I've put the makeshift recipe on the site in the past. It is so easy and so good and so easy to scale up to 20 people! I also had just gotten 20 pounds of tomatoes so I made a gazpacho appetizer. All I ...

Vietnamazeballs – aka Vietnamese Meatballs
I got ground pork from my CSA. They have amazing pork. Fatty and delicious. I didn't want italian food which is what I usually put the pork in so I started searching around Epicurious for ideas. I found Pork and Lemongrass Meatballs in Lettuce Cups. I had all the ingredients ...

Around the World on a Sunday Afternoon
Well, maybe we didn't really go around the world but our afternoon snack was from Italy, our dinner was from Vietnam. I went to my local market for a days overdue grocery shop. They had a locally grown melon that I, personally, had never seen called piel de sapo or ...

Summer Simplicity
The flavors of summer make dinner so simple. I wanted to make the yummy crispy rice again but didn't want asian flavors so I just started gathering things from my CSA, the farmer's market and the pantry. I assembled lettuce, sliced peaches, green beans (not in the picture, I forgot ...

White Seabass in Ginger Broth with Crispy Rice
This is one of the best fish dishes I've ever made and it's going to be really hard to replicate! Well, the fish and the rice I can easily do again but the only way to do the broth is to have leftover Pho broth again! I made pho one ...
I would like your recipe for flourless chocolate cake.
Thank you
I don’t have one!