Beautiful Trout with Korean Chard and Momofuku Bing Bread

I had no idea the trout we got from H&H Fish CSF this week was trout until I read the email from Heidi. I thought it was local salmon. It was absolutely gorgeous and fatty.

It was also the end of my CSA week so I was down to one bunch of chard and a leek. My son does not like to eat cooked greens. He’s fine with salad but doesn’t go for cooked kale or chard. I get it, I was the same way. Raw veg diet for me for at least the first half of my life!

So I decided to just hammer the hell out of the chard and drown it in a gochujang sauce to hid the greeniness. It mostly worked, he ate most of it…I mean, I didn’t hide it, the kid’s 16! But he almost enjoyed them. They were INSANELY salty so be warned. You might want to dilute the gochujang mix with water if you’re sensitive to salt but we’re all saltaholics in this house so we loved it…drink a lot of water.

I also got a PDF of recipes from Momofuku and made Bing Bread which my kid immediately asked for every day for forever.

Serves 2:

1 lb trout or salmon fillets

1 leek (white part only), thinly sliced in 1/2 moons
1T diced ginger
1 bunch chard, chopped

1T oyster sauce
3T gochujang
2T usukuchi soy sauce (or regular soy/tamari if you don’t have usukuchi)
1T mirin

Shichimi or nanami togarashi

Chili crisp (also from Momofuku)

Cook the leeks over medium high heat in canola oil until they start to brown and crisp up. We aren’t looking for softened, melting leeks, we want caramelization. When they’re just started to golden up, add the ginger. When they’re getting brown, add the chard and the gochujang blend. Cook on medium low until chard is practically unrecognizable.

Meanwhile, sear the trout skin side down over medium heat until skin is crispy. Sprinkle shichimi togarashi and salt on the flesh side of the fish, flip and cook on that side for a minute or two.

Serve fish atop chard, crispy skin side up and topped with chili crisp.

Have lots of water.