It has been like summer here in the Bay area this week. Actually more like summer than our cold summer was!
Inspired by the sun, I thought I’d grill. This was easy and turned out to be great!
First I made a vinaigrette of:
1 large shallot, minced
1 large clove of garlic, finely minced
1/4 c. champagne vinegar
1/4 c. parsley
I brushed that over my snapper fillets (I had about 1 lb of snapper). I let that sit with the vinaigrette marinade brushed on it for about 30 minutes. You can’t do it for too long because the vinegar will cure the fish and you’ll start getting ceviche!
While that was sitting, I cooked the quinoa (1 cup quinoa, 3 cups water, boil then simmer until water is gone and quinoa is tender).
I used the rest of the vinaigrette to make the quinoa salad. I added 1/2 a cucumber chopped into 1/4″ cubes and a few chopped up basil leaves…yeah, basil isn’t in season but I bought some the other day for another dish and had some left over…moment of winter weakness!
Mix the cucumber into the vinaigrette-mixture, add some salt and pepper, and when the quinoa is cooked, mix that in too. I didn’t end up using quite all the quinoa I cooked, the ratio of quinoa to cucumber would have been off. I used probably 3/4 of it.
Brush your grill with olive oil, drizzle some olive oil on your snapper fillets and grill on med-high heat for about 5 minutes per side or until the snapper is cooked through…maybe less than 5 minutes.
Then to plate put a pile of the quinoa salad, place a snapper fillet on top and VOILA!
I sprinkled some Kilauea Onyx salt from my newly acquired salt collection on the fish. It had a nice little crunch and also has activated charcoal in it so it went well with the grill flavor.