OysterFest 2011! ROCK!

We spent a rainy but wonderful weekend in Inverness, CA for my dad’s 70th birthday. He loves oysters, as do we, so we stayed near Hog Island Oyster Farm and shucked oysters for two days. Truth be told, my dad did most of the shucking. I got about three open but he was so much better at it, he did the rest of the 6 dozen.

All we did was top them with a little red wine vinegar and shallots or lemon juice and tabasco. They were heavenly. I barbecued some for my stepmom and sister. Some of those worked, some didn’t pop open like I thought they would and I ended up burning those…oops!!

The raw ones were the way to go in my opinion ;-) If you ever have the chance to get oysters this fresh, you have to try them. The best!!